In mehr als 140 Zeichen


It´s me Antifaschist*[H]

Nach nun fast einem Jahr, in dem ich mein Twitter-Profil zum wachsen gebracht habe, habe ich mich entschieden endlich eine Platform zu eröffnen, auf der ich ein wenig umschweifender Dinge loswerden kann. Ganz egal ob Reisetagebücher, Rezepte, Mobikram für Demos oder Veranstaltungen, etc.

Auf jedenfall ist dies die Möglichkeit alles geordnet abzuladen.

– 22.02.2015

Hier geht es um politischen Alltag, Psychokram und auch Dinge die mir neben dem politischen Spaß machen, wie Reisen und Kochen


One thought on “About

  1. anarchist sagt:

    Although I am anarchist, I don’t like authoritarian behavior of people who imagine they can kick camera of other people. if somebody is paranoid, it is his problem, secret service already knows our names and faces, and participation in protest is not illegal and nobody wil make the case, those who want to smash the bank they should cover their faces instead to run for people with cameras. in germany you have paranoia culture and not security culture. anarchists should never behave unfriendly and authoritarian, they can say politely to bystanders to make photos and videos in that way that faces are not visible. but there are bystanders at every protest, thye make video with smartphone and they can be ordinary people, they can be spies, it is our responsibility to cover our faces and not to disturb bystanders. be more responsible and you will not care is it spy or ordinary citizen? maybe now somebody record what I type in this comment from some library, should I be scared? no. we decided to fight against the state, against ruling class, we know we will be under repression, if they spy us even outside of protests, we can attack them, but we should not attack ordinary citizens who make videos of protest. there are mainstream journalists at every protest so they will give pictures to cops and secret service, what is the sense to disturb bystanders? because of paranoia culture, anarchist groups don’t become bigger in germany, in my country we accept new people in our groups and we never question if they are spies although we know they can be, but it is our coice to spread anarchism and take the risk.

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